Everything You Wanted to Know About Stair Lifts

There are many aspects you should take into consideration when buying a stairlift for your home. Included are the cost, how to choose the most suitable dealer, and how to have a stairlift installed. You will also need to determine the size of the stairlift you want and if it is able to fit into your existing staircase.

Selecting a stairlift

It can be difficult to select the correct stairlift. There are many options. It is essential to choose the best model that suits your needs. The first step is to determine the dimensions and shape of your stairs. Straight stairlifts work well for one flight of stairs, but an individualized curved stairlift will be required for two flights.

The length of your staircase is another important aspect to take into account. A stairlift that is too short will need revamp of the railing. Fortunately repairs will be lower with a stairlift purchased from All Star Medical.

Installing a staircase lift

Installing a stairlift can be expensive however it’s not a daunting task. Many stairlift companies offer financing options. To avoid any injuries, it is recommended to hire an expert to install your stairlift. Installers should be skilled with power tools. Sometimes, the lift may also need electrical work. Engaging an electrician to perform this work is a good idea since a stairwell typically doesn’t have an outlet for the wall.

Before you can have your stairslift installed, you’ll need to take measurements of the stairs and determine the correct placement of the track. The manufacturer will send a representative to your home to determine the proper position. It is also advisable to inquire about the warranty. Most lifts have a warranty that covers parts and labor for a a few years. Some lifts include a lifetime warranty for the gearbox and motor.

Cost of an staircase lift

When it comes to the cost of a stairlift, you need to take into account a variety of factors. The most important factor is the kind of staircase you’d like to have. There are a variety of models to pick from, and some might be more expensive than others. stairlifts prices powered by batteries typically cost more than electric ones but they come with lower maintenance costs and can last for up to three years.

The price of a stairlift can vary according to its design, type, and materials. Before making a final decision it is essential to research. While you can buy an inexpensive stairlift on the internet, it is best to find an authorized dealer to handle the installation. The American Stairlift Association (ASA) strongly suggests against doing the installation yourself. The cost of the stairway lift will depend on whether it’s new or used.

Getting a stairlift repaired

If you notice an issue with your stairlift do not wait for it to become too serious to call for repair. There are many options to fix a problem with your stairlift and get it back to normal as soon as you can. First, identify what’s not working by examining the sound beeps, or other sounds generated by the stairs. Beeps can signify a variety of issues, from a power outage to a circuit or battery issue. For a diagnosis, take the stairslift to a technician if you hear more than one.

Repairing a stairlift could be expensive. While some stairlifts can be fixed yourself however, they are not covered under the warranty of their manufacturer. Even if you find replacement parts online, you might not be able to diagnose the issue on your own. To diagnose the issue the technician will charge between PS25-PS200 and the labor cost will range between $50 and 100 per hour. The cost of repair will differ, based on the nature of the issue and the length of time it will take.